Life is Rich All the time.

New Year

Written by Rich Wardwell on 02 Jan 2014.

It's been a few years since I've actively blogged. One of the final posts in my long abandoned Wordpress blog was a note detailing a reenvisioning of the site coded from scratch. I guess this incarnation is about as close as I'm going to get to that.

While I didn't build my own blogging platform, I've definitely abandoned the ways of the past by jumping into the world of static site generation and Jekyll. I've also used this as an opportunity to refresh my ancient web skills that were mostly anchored in the early-mid 2000's. This includes playing with fancy tools and frameworks such as SASS (what CSS should be), Compass (helps SASS be what it should be), Foundation (an incredible set of CSS and JS for accelerating site development), and a few workflow / build tools (NPM, Grunt, Bower). Web development has certainly come a long way. That said, I can't wait to get back to native mobile app development! This is a foreign land — while it's fun to visit, it's even better to be home.

My hope is that this site will become a resource for both myself (I tend to be forgetful) and others in a couple ways. First, I intend to create a knowledge base on different Mac / iOS / Development topics — nuggets of information that I'm often trying to recall myself. While I'm recording this stuff here as my own external, latent memory, I might as well make it available to everyone else. Maybe someone will find it useful. Second, I hope to post semi-regular indepth articles on technical topics (mostly Mac or iOS development related, but it may stray to the web or system maintenance on occassion).

Often, these will be written as part of the process of learning something myself. To really be able to explain something to others requires full-committment in understanding. If I don't make that committment, I tend to get lazy and just take things for granted. When I start doing that, I know I've started down a dark path. These articles, whether anyone ever reads them or not, will save me from that dark path.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns!